Oh my word! You are blowing me away! Not only do I love the minimal yet deep fluidity in this image. I am delighted to hear of your Vision. It’s pretty magical how you have encapsulated all of that in what I always describe as shapes and colours. I feel your words in this image. How did you take this shot? I would love to hear more about what it is and how you did it? ❤️❤️💫
Hello You! Welcome to the Dora Jean Creation Community, whe...
Oh my word! You are blowing me away! Not only do I love the minimal yet deep fluidity in this image. I am delighted to hear of your Vision. It’s pretty magical how you have encapsulated all of that in what I always describe as shapes and colours. I feel your words in this image. How did you take this shot? I would love to hear more about what it is and how you did it? ❤️❤️💫