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Album Cover Challenge

Public·7 members

Benjamin Hogan
July 14, 2021 · joined the group.
Dora Jean Creation
Dora Jean Creation
Jul 17, 2021


I like to start by giving yourself time to relax , time for you to listen to music, enjoy a soundscape or simply listen to the environment you are in. I chose music instead of the environment I’m in. As otherwise I hear kids fighting, showers n toilets flushing, I might even get a smoke alarm warning or door bell. It’s simply lovely to escape.

It only takes 3 minutes a day. The more you do this the more natural it will become. How are you finding developing a cover?

It really is all about reading the story of music. You can translate this into anything.

I would love to know what you have come up with.

Keep giving yourself time to take in a track, emerse yourself fully into it. This gives you great space for yourself too. I hope you enjoy this the more you do it.


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